Bake Bacon
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12 or more strips of bacon
freshly ground black pepper, to taste
ground cayenne pepper, to taste
maple syrup, lightly brushed on
brown sugar, lightly sprinkled on
Parmesan cheese, lightly sprinkled on
smoked paprika, to taste
garlic powder, to taste
choice of other herbs or spices, to taste
Cooking Instructions
You need: baking pan with rack that fits inside, aluminum foil.
-Put rack inside foil-lined pan.
-Arrange bacon strips in single layer on rack.
-Place pan in cold oven, and set to heat to 400 degrees.
-Bake for 15-30 minutes, until desired crispness. Cooking time will vary depending on thickness of bacon. Watch carefully after 15 minutes; it can burn quickly toward the end of cooking time.
-If desired, when the bacon begins to brown, add an optional flavor from the ingredients list. (Adding them at the beginning may result in burning.) Return to oven until bacon is desired doneness.
-Once finished baking, bacon may be kept warm in 200 degree oven for up to 30 minutes.
-Refrigerate or freeze leftover strips or crumbled bacon.
-Reheat by wrapping in paper towel and heating in microwave for 20-30 seconds.
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