Kathy, The College of New Jersey, BS Biology, 1977
Charlie, The College of New Jersey, BSEE, 1975
Charlie, Kathy, Jackie
Frances and Herman Sack
Ed and Lettie Klatzkin
Lettie, Ed, Kathy, Herman, Frances, Charlie holding Jackie
Kathy and Charlie (June 8, 1975)
Lindsay (2 months)
Jackie (3 years 2 1/2 months)
Jackie 3 years 3 months
Lindsay 15 weeks
Jackie and Lindsay (Dec 15, 1983)
Kathy, Charlie, Lindsay (1 1/2 years), Jacquelyn (4 1/2 years)
Lindsay (3 1/2 years)
Jackie (7 years)
Lindsay (4 years)
Jackie (22 years) Millersville University
Charlie and Kathy
Lindsay, Jackie, Kathy, Charlie
Lettie Klatzkin
Lindsay 1 year old